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Agencja marketingowa Olsztyn

Milimetriks Graphic Studio logo

Graphic Design

& Digital Marketing

Services and consultations

Services and consultations

Services and consultations

Graphical support

and marketing 

Services and consultations

Milimetriks Graphic Studio is a partner in graphic and marketing activities. We accept orders for comprehensive brand building and brand promotion projects. We also take steps to refresh the existing image and strengthen our position on the market.

Website designs
The main goal of Milimetriks Graphic Studio is to create brands based on their values and authenticity. In addition to good design, we offer training and strategic support in digital marketing.
The main goal of Milimetriks Graphic Studio is to create brands based on their values and authenticity. In addition to good design, we offer training and strategic support in digital marketing.

Focus points

Services and consultations

The main goal of Milimetriks Graphic Studio is to create brands based on their values and authenticity. In addition to good design, we offer training and strategic support in digital marketing.

Graphic project

Graphics are all around us and creating them has a huge impact on the reception of the messages we send to our recipients. We create  logo and entire branding and visual identification designs. We dress brands with all the necessary elements such as icons, presentations, leaflets, catalogues, banners and roll-ups, SM graphics, e-books, newsletters and many others. 

Graphic designs


A website is a way of communicating with the world. We design individual website interfaces. We make sure that they are responsive and intuitive for recipients, but also safe and easy to use for their owners. We also offer the development of these projects with new functions, automation and integration, as well as provide service and administration. 

Key visual design

Digital marketing

In addition to graphic design and websites, we also provide support in digital and traditional marketing. We help create a communication and digital marketing strategy. Based on website tools, we configure ads on Google Adds and SM. Additionally, we analyze user paths and the results of advertising activities and help in taking further steps.

Designing web applications

Strategia marketingowa & SEO

Analizujemy dane

i planujemy działania

Brand building is marketing activities that can be perceived as a kind of strategic game. Data analysis and careful market observation always play a key role.

Range of activities

Projektujemy  grafikę

Projekty graficzne i od nich startujemy. Opracowujemy spójny wizerunek, aby  wszystkie elementy wizualne i strategiczne były dopasowane

wired-gradient-783-drawing-tablet (1).png

Konfigurujemy SEO

Dobieramy słowa kluczowe, wykonujemy opisy i wszystko, co potrzebne aby strona była przyjazna dla przeglądarek


Projektujemy strony

Nowoczesny edytor Wix to rozwiązanie dla prowadzących biznes i nastawionych na wygodę i dobry design


Projektujemy UX/UI

Zbieramy informacje o tym, kto i w jakich cealach będzie używał strony, aby wszystko to uwzględnić w projekcie strony  


Szkolimy z Edycji Wix

Dla Naszych klientów prowadzimy szkolenia z edycji stron na Wix. 

Jest to bardzo intuicyjne narzędzie, ale ma sporo  funkcji i warto o nich wiedzieć. 


Uczymy działań samodzielnych

Naszym celem jest zbudowanie samodzielnych marek oraz wypuszczenie ich na rynek 
